Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A video for now I wasn't going to post anything on here until my "shiny new look" is done, but this won't ever happen if I don't get back with Auld Hat, as she is making a new template for me. (Sorry, I've been incapable of making the simplest of decisions.) But what I have been doing is working on video editing. I made this video for the My Brightest Diamond song "Something of an End." I used scenes from the 1971 movie "Lady Frankenstein." A rather smutty take on the Frankenstein story. This time it's Frankenstein's Daughter who follows in her father's footsteps to make a Frankensteinian Love Slave. I tried to focus on the dynamics of her adultery and no much on the Monster stuff. Tell me what you think. I'm off to the families house for some food and denial. Have fun being Thankful.

PS: There is one nipple in this video. So if nipples are offensive to you...well, that's just sad really, now isn't it.


Anonymous said...

WOOHOO! Okay, now that I've got that out of the way, let me just say that I happen to love love love that song. Think I might need to see this movie though. Great mash up my friend! And yes, you are a huge procrastinator. Sending you belated turkey love! Hope the pie was all you could have wished for.

Jason said...

Thank ya. We had fried turkey. Fried. There were no explosions...except of the taste buds. :ba dum bum:

Just got home from a trip to MinnesOta. It was a pleasant trip.

Anonymous said...

MinnesOta, don'cha knOwta.
heh heh.
I wonder if you will ever e-mail me again? (sadness)

Anonymous said...

December 31st, 2007
Don't know where you've gone to, but Happy New Year all the same!
Here's hoping 2008 finds you back around the Blogosphere and better than ever. Take care my friend (: