Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I can't NOT blog

Ok Ok.

Yes yes...saying 'the end' in a post is quite dramatic; especially with a long-ish period of no postings. But honestly...not writing something down is a bit stifling. I'm not known for being 'quiet.'

So, I'm writing to say I will be writing more.

Also. I had a very good day at work. We had a speaker tonight and she reminded me my job made a difference. I think I might have forgotten this. Which would be fine if I worked at McDonalds. Although, I'm sure a Happy Meal probably changed a life or two...

Today I'm grateful.

Do you ever think some days you're experiencing another 'sunrise?'

I think I've beaten the "victim reborn" horse to a pulp. You know? (read past'll see.) My most fun thing to make of fun of is when a person becomes a caricature of their own self. (Think Jodi Foster) Their idea of who they are under a magnifying glass. The joke was on me...because that is who I had started to become. I'm not that.

I will be blogging again!

Hear that internet! I WILL!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Bring on the blogs! I feel that cycle of authenticity-to-caricature all the time. Which one is the real me?

Dayna said...

:) Thank you for the kind words - it was such a pleasure to visit the center and see all of you at work! What a joy for me!

Dayna said...

A record week? Seriously? How many? I'm dying to know! Pop me an email - fladfam at gmail dot com.


Anonymous said...

Well clearly I am thrilled. (lol, those words look so flat but I genuinely am thrilled. See? Me=Thrilled. My super hero name would be The Thrillmeister. My porn star name is Thrillamina. You're going to stop blogging now aren't you? no, I'll go)

Jason said...

I will bring on the blogs, D. I will. Or at least I'll bring on comments on my own blog. That's bringing it, right?

Dayna - Thanks for stopping by. I shall email you our record week.

And Hat - You should have just left it at "Well clearly I'm thrilled;" So I could've debated whether or not it should be read w/ sarcasm or not. That internal dialog would've lasted For Ever.