Friday, October 29, 2004

03.13.03 America

I am anthropomorphosizing America, this evening.

Darren and I have been having a discussion about America and what is happening to Her. I feel that we are encroaching upon a dark time in America.

He thought I was referring to a 'Dark Ages,' and argued that he couldn't see the end of the arts at this point in time, with how strongly culture, and the sharing and integrating of other cultures, is so strongly imbedded within our society. This is the Age of Information.

I was leaning more towards a dark 'tone' being ahead. Darren thought perhaps I was just projecting and that it is merely my perspective of America that has darkened based upon my own past experiences.

Also, he said as quickly as things move now it is diffcult to differentiate between 'periods.' It's as if you were to view 'culture' and the 'tone' of America as a wave. The points of the waves to represent highs or lows of the overall spirit of America. Am I losing you, yet?

Anyway, I am thinking this 'low wave' probably started at 911. And, I think it is very appropriate that the psyche' of America is still disturbed by the assult on Her, and perhaps this Project Enduring Freedom (?) is a result of this wounded spirit.

This wasn't what I was trying to say, however. This is supposed to be the communication age, but I can't get my point across to someone in the same room. Ironic.

What I was trying to say was...My relationship with America is going to get complicated and conflicted if we do attack Iraq. The rest of my life may, or may not be affected by my relationship with Her, but I forsee this to be a time when the majority of people will be having similar relationships with America and this will determine Her tone as a country.

This is what I mean by a 'dark time.' We are creating Her by our actions. Our thoughts and views of Her shape Her existence. She can be a strong, caretaker of freedom, or a vengeful imperialistic dictator.

Empathy got us here, I think. It is going to take a vast change in thought-making and an awakening of a national pride to get the great inertia to change directions. I wonder if we still have it in us.

Some things go to sleep to never wake again.


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