Friday, October 29, 2004

03.23.03 PBR Afternoon

I have been too busy doing the life thing, today, to write anything about it.

That, in my book, is an excellent day.

I am determined to not let this war completly suck out my ability to enjoy life, right the now. I decided it would be a good thing to make the world a little more beautiful. At least the little lot of it I rent.

Yesterday, I bought one of those 'Garden Claws' that allows you to tear the shit out of the ground with fairly little effort. I turned pretty much my entire back yard, fertilized, and reseeded it with grass. Until now it has pretty much been a desolate waste land of a yard. Not this year!

Today I put up some small fencing to designate certain areas of the yard as 'garden spots.' I have over 200 bulb plants to put in the ground; Gladiola Grandiflorus, Hostas, Lily of the Valley and various other Lilys of the non-valley sort, also many different kinds of Iris's.

All along the fence I planted shit-tons of wildflowers. Mostly the sort that are supposed to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. With my luck, it will also attract all sorts of bees that will attack me as I gaze longingly at my garden paradise. Now, that's reality...along with the wheezing and coughing from the high pollen count. Oh, but wait, I am doing this to alleviate reality. Yeah, that's right.

I am now giving my blistered hands a rest...they really are blistered, damn garden claw, and sippin' a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Awwww that's the life.

Tonight a couple of my friends and I are walking down to a bar to see The Sea and Cake perform. It ought to be a pleasant evening. A Sapphire and Tonic night to end a PBR afternoon.

Life is a pretty sweet fruit.

Peace all.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

ok now I can't stop reading your blogs. You are very funny and witty and have me laughing out loud quite often. Your writting is great and maybe that should be your next job?? I do hope that as far as your view on Christanity you dislike the people and not The God. We are not perfect and some tend to judge when they should not be judging but the God of this universe is. For Jesus said himself:
"you hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" Matthew 7:5