Thursday, December 09, 2004

Chewing Gum 04.28.03

Just a quick couple of somethings before I go to bed:

Kirk has been broke. The military broke him, or Korea broke him. It's kind of sad, and a bit relieving at the same time. Sort of like stumbling upon a tiger and then realizing it is stuffed...or something.

Tonight I was hanging out with Simon and his Dad, Jason C. Simon had just given me a piece of Juicy Fruit gum, and after chewing it a bit I blew a little bubble. Simon looked over at me and very matter of factly said, "You can't blow bubbles with that gum."

I asked, "Why not?"

Simon replied, "It's for chewin', not makin' bubbles. It's chooooooinggum"

I guess he got me.


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