Thursday, December 09, 2004

Stars 07.10.03

"What we think we've found is an example of the first generation of planets formed in the universe," Sigurdsson said. "We think this planet formed with its star, 12.713 billion years ago when the (Milky Way) galaxy was very young, just in the process of forming."

By comparison, Earth and the rest of our solar system is a third-generation affair, made from gas that was polluted by the ashes of earlier generations of stars. And the sun is off by itself, not interacting directly with any other stars.

a snippet from an article by: Deborah Zabarenko

I like to think of the Universe being populated by planets, as the Earth is populated with people, plants, animals. I like to think of the evolution of planets as I think of life evolving here on the Terra Firma.

Dust and Gasses spinning in a void, being attracted to one another...pulled into and combining, retaining their identity, yet forming something new and vast and solid.

Stars, Suns burning in their elliptical centers, a source spreading its energy out in collosal waves...feeding and transforming gasses and dust into oceans, mountains, and you.

I remember reading in some Quantum Physics brain-bustin' book that there are so many atoms in one breath that the odds greatly favor that in my inhalation there contains an atom that was exhaled by Jesus.

We are stars.

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