Thursday, December 09, 2004

Grandma's Wisdom 05.01.03

I'm still at work. I could be out on the donor floor helping hook folks up, but the staff seems to be doing fine, and besides I haven't been able to just sit at my desk and stare at my computer in so long...isn't that why I worked so hard to get this position?

I got an email from my Grandma today regarding my Dad. I told her about how at Christmas he made the comment that I should write him. I told him that he had my email address and he could take the initiative to write me this time, as I am almost always the one to 'break the silence.'

It is now May and I still have not heard from him. I am not really surprised, or upset. This is pretty much how it has always been for us. I want to be sad about it, I really do, but that just wouldn't make any sense at this point. What was it good 'ol Pink Floyd said, "comfortably numb."

My Grandma wrote back, and of course she had to throw her wisdom back into my face and say, "why does it matter who writes first as long as one of you does." She has a good point. So, I am going to write him. Just to let him know how I am doing, what I am doing, and so forth.

I had told her in the email that I was partly concerned that he had a problem with my 'lifestyle.' She told me that no one in the family cared about that, which is true and I am very lucky for this. She said she was just very glad that I wasn't alone because that can be the hardest thing. She said she now knows loneliness since grandpa died, and she only hopes that D. and I are able to stay together as longs as she and Grandpa did. When he died they had just celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary.

We all fight so hard to not be alone our whole life, and then in the end there is no escaping it. There has to be a point to that somewhere.

Well...I have to start closing up shop here.


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