Thursday, December 09, 2004

Rednecks, Shit-kickers and Stomp Jumpers, Oh My! 07.08.03

I was out driving...going to different stores seeing if there is something I can buy that I didn't know I wanted. Hopelessly filling a void. Isn't that what shopping is all about?

Anyway, there was a car next to me at a stoplight that had this on their back window:

F ans

A gainst

G ordon

At what point did it become okay to drive around with "FAG" on your rear window? Seriously, yeah, I know NASCAR generally caters to rednecks, clay-eaters, corncrackers, grit-suckers, and PWT (poor white trash,) and I am sure once the rumors started about Jeff Gordon and his mechanic the hate was turned up a notch. I mean, hell, what kind of world is this where nancy boys can infiltrate the coveted world of race car driving?

I don't know why I care. I really don't. The world is going to keep on spinnin' on its bigotted, fearful little axis until the day I die, and then after that it really doesn't effect me much...unless reincarnation isn't just mumble jumble in some Depak Chopra rag, in which case maybe I will come back as a bible-beatin' barnyard savage and be able to make sense of all of this ignorant behaviour.

I wonder the percentage of people who gelled with what was on her rear window? I wonder what the interpretation is of other people who read it? I wonder how many laugh, how many shake their heads, and how many just don't give a damn. I want an ingnorance poll. I want to know how many closed-minded fear mongers I am sharing my oxygen with. I want to know if my perceived idea of a 'good' world is losing to the dumbshit logic that seems to prevail on this island Earth.

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