Thursday, December 09, 2004

Up to the Highest Height... 04.14.03

I had a very nice day.

Little Simon, Jason, and I went to the park to fly this giant Styrofoam airplane I had bought for Simon. It was a little too windy for the plane, so I decided we should go to Wal-Mart to buy a kite.

Wal-Mart is a little depressing. It is such the ultimate American icon. You know, of course, it is the only discount store where it is legal to camp overnight in their parking lot. I could live in my car there if I wanted to.

I saw a guy there wearing a shirt with a big American flag on it, and it said, "Welcome to America," the next line read, "Now speak English!" Isn't that wonderful. See what I mean it is a giant beacon for true down-home all American folk.

So we bought a Taz Kite. Not the one I wanted, but Simon got to pick it out 'cause he is 5. I sware kids get all the breaks.

We went back to the park to fly it. I convinced Simon it would be a good idea if I 'started' the kite, since it is pretty difficult to get it up into the air. I told him I didn't want him to get upset with the kite early on and then lose interest. It was truly for his benefit that I get the kite into the air. That and the child in me wanted to go first.

It was a bit too windy for 'ol taz, but we managed to keep him up there for awhile. His 'backbone,' as Simon called it, kept popping out and then the kite would crash land. It was just a cheap kite.

I realized I still get "Kiteaphobia" when I fly them. When I was a kid and I would fly a kite I would get the same feeling one gets who is afraid of heights and up other fear.

Pretty crazy, I know, but while I hold onto a kite I have this irrational fear somehow gravity is going to be reversed, for just me, and I am going to fall up. It got to the point, today, where I realized my toes were all curled up in my shoes as if I was gripping on just in case. I am such a nut job sometimes.

After the 'let's go fly a kite' afternoon I did some work in the backyard. My friend, Brandon, came over and he repotted a Pine Bonsai while I planted Hostas all around an old oak tree. I also planted a lot of herbs in containers that are going to smell really nice wafting in through my backdoor.

I love Spring. I absosmurfly love it.

Oh, side note about Wal Mart...when we were there Simon walked over with me to look at shrubs. He asked what all the plants were doing there, and I told him they were all for sale. After a very obvious pondering pause he looked up at me and said, "I think it's cool that we can just, like, buy plants."

I thought about it and I agreed.


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